What did you..with your child today?
Why do most days seem like whirlwinds? Today, we had to take the child for an MRI of his knee so we will have more information for his surgical consult (2nd one) later this week. I suppose we could have chalked it up to a sick day from schooling, but we seem to school where ever we go anymore. There is so much to learn out there...what did I do before we homeschooled him. I seem to talk to him so much these days, more than I did before. Everything is there in front of us to explore. We take more side roads and more backroads now. We stop to explore more now. So, we schooled on the go today. More preAlgera integer equations today. We will finish this chapter this week, in only three days...1 chapter in three days...today he was +, -, *, and / integers with parenthetical sets and absolute values mixed in...tomorrow will be more of the same and plugging the variable into the equations as well... We took him to a museum in town and walked the historical/original buildings an...