Shatters and Shards...

I got this idea on looked like this:
   The link to the pin is within the picture.

A friend went with me a few months ago to an antique mall and I bought the class pieces to make something similar. Blue glass is expensive around glass was not. I planned to create a birdbath to put in the front yard or near the garden areas.

I played with the glass pieces to create something I liked.
Friends commented and I chose a pattern...and then the glassware set in a box in the house since the end of March, because I have not had time to mess with it again...
So...last week I bought the glue that the dude at Home Depot SWORE would hold so well...
This weekend, I started gluing the sections together. Last night I finished it and left the glue overnight to cure. This morning the project was finished. It looked like this:
I went to go place it outside and, then, it looked like this... 

I spent the next 2 hours or so cleaning the floor and pulling shards from my fingers...


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