accomplished??? maybe....

being more relaxed and 5 days off per doctor excuse/order...

I have lain on this couch/bed/in this house for two days...vertigo is better today...though not so much on the boat. We went out on the water for a bit today after the baby returned home from camping for the weekend with scouts. My vestibular nerve is the one being affected right now by the viral shingles....not fun, not fun, not fun...

I did manage to get a pint of mayonnaise finally made tonight...just in time to use the rest of the cabbage left from making the cabbage rolls (this past week to freeze for future dinners) to make some coleslaw to go with dinner and the rest of the raw veggies and meat...and it was able to lactoferment this afternoon and evening...shelf life extension is always a pro...but it will be gone in less than a month.

There is just a bit of leftover whey in the it was used....still need to make more cheese, so we have more whey to put back....

I got all papers graded for one university and am minimally caught up with the other two. I will finish updates tomorrow for the others after dental visits and allergist visits...of course, no shots for me...which I will dread...I can breath so much better with my shots...

My husband was able to go to the post office to mail off necessary papers needed to be mailed related to LDA.

So all in all, I feel like a few accomplishments might have been made from my couch abode??  Perhaps?!?!  Yep, I think so...

Other parents arrived back in the country safe and sound from their recent trip and are home safe. I need to talk to my older child has been like 4 that long?  It feels like so long...I miss my child.

Today we saw a house on the lake - one I would refer to as a megamansion...My current house would have fit into this megamansion's garage alone...I wonder why people need so much house??... We laughingly discussed that house would be enough house to move my older child, my DiL, any future kids they have, and my younger child's someday family...How awesome would that be?  All my children and grandchildren in the same house...AwEsOmE!!  And, I am so megasure the DiLs would love to live in such an arrangement. I could be with my babies all the time....It makes perfect sense to me.  The doggies and kitties could live in an ensuite near the children's quarters!!  Yep, I have this figured out...Now, just need the money to build it!


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