Sprouts and Sprouting

Back in November (11/12), we tried to sprout some lemon and orange seeds. We promptly placed them to the side and forgot about them (as I often do) until the beginning of December. I opened up the bags to check the sprouts in mid-November, to find they had made no progress. I peeled (meticulously) the skins off the seeds. The seeds that survived the skin peeling process were placed back into the bags and they were the ones checked in December.

Orange Sprouts:

Lemon Sprouts:

Last night, when we checked them, they needed to be planted.
Orange Sprouts:

Lemon Sprouts:

Hopefully, these will fare better than the apple and pear sprouts. We will have to try to sprout some ore apple and pears. The ones we had growing were doing well until we went away for Thanksgiving break and they died during a heavy frost.
These were my pear trees sprouting:

This was the apple sprout:

Happy New Years!


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