Christian Liberty Press Spelling Curriculum Review Intro

Being President of LDASC allows me to get access to some materials others might not have access to...this has not escaped me. I have recently been corresponding with Christian Liberty Press regarding language arts curriculum. CLP mailed me a spelling curriculum for 8th graders to review for the blog and for future speaking engagements. I have just received this curriculum this week in the mail. I admit I have not had a complete chance to review it. I plan to test a practice lesson out on my child, though he is a 7th grader. I want to get a feel for what CLP is about and how they present their materials. More on this to come in the next week as we progress through this curriculum more in-depth and learn what it is about. If you have used this curriculum in the past, please let me know what you thought of it?!?!?

Building Spelling Skills Book 8 - Workbook


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