planting propogation/terrarium updates

This morning while digging the pop biscuits out of the fridge to make breakfast...I came across the apple and pear seeds I had placed in the baggies about two months ago or so in the fridge door. 

We collected the seeds from store bought apples and some from the apple collection trip in NC when we to the Cherokee museum.  The pears are from a friend's/relatives pear tree in her yard...we try to pick some from there a lot lately!!  These were the same pears I canned many of earlier this year and also dehydrated or preserved with the food preserver...

I had to look up how to preserve the seeds to prepare them for fall planting...I read on the internet to place them in a cool, dark, moist place until ready to plant. You apparently cannot plant them or SHOULD not plant them unless they sprout some...I know they probably just planted them back when, but I did not live back know!! More reading revealed that you could place the seeds on a wet/moist paper towel and fold the paper towel over and place them in air tight baggies in the fridge.  So, we did!  I was hopeful to see what would happen to them, if anything!  Then, we waited...and I forgot about them!...until this morning.

baggy of pear seeds 

baggies of apple seeds

all of the pear seeds!!  these are natural seeds and are not commercially altered...huge difference in how they sprouted..hope something grows from them...

these were some apple seeds...lesson learned - the paper towel cannot be too started to grow some mold...these were grocery store apple seeds...thus, commercially altered seeds...

 another baggy of apple seeds from the grocery store apples we ate earlier this season...only one looks like two, but it is just one.
 these were peach and nectarine seeds we also read up on how to prepare for propogation....the peaches are white peaches from a nearby farmer's tree that we picked earlier this year...they are not store bought seeds and have not been altered.

the nectarine seed is from a store bought nectarine we ate.

we read to place these in potted soil that was slighted moistened and to place in the fridge for up to a month or so. They have been in these dirt baggy terrariums of sorts in my fridge as long as the apples have.
None of the cups had any sprouts. We placed them in the baggies in the window to allow them to get some sunlight and we will see what happens. I am hopeful, but skeptical!  But, you can never learn and be successful, if you do not try!

Tomato slips are doing doing so well...or maybe, I did not have time to really pay attention to them lately to water them appropriately??? Sad looking little things....

this way is still slightly hanging in there...maybe??  just maybe???

poor dead plants

on a more positive note, this is the child's radish seeds he planted in the terrarium he made awhile back...the sprouts were becoming tall enough that we needed to take the top of the bottle off to allow it more space to bloom...

 this is the tomato slip to the right that is doing well despite how much i forget to water it or how often i remember to water it...

i wonder if the fact that the two surviving plants we tried to indoor garden and propogate we planted in older soda bottles has anything to do with it...odd these were the ones that survived best so far...


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