
Showing posts from September, 2011

Metal Chickens

I have been on the hunt for a metal chicken for the yard...I do not know why I want one...I just do! I have two neighbors with one. These are bigger welded metal chickens for the yard of over three to four feet tall. One lives in town and another lives around the corner about a half mile away. I also want a metal donkey and goat.  Those are tales for another day. I found a metal chicken I really liked at a neighboring town's festival several months back, but it was like $150. I could not bring myself to spend that much for yard art. My husband wanted to show he was a good husband and actually prove he had heard what I said I wanted for once, thus went on his own quest for a metal chicken. He came back with what he calls a mudfish or bottom feeder. My youngest child and I call it the potty fish. Either way, I received my metal yard art and needless to say, it has grown on me and is a nice sight in my garden items in the front. Alas, I still want a metal chicken. Thi...

Yeggs!! Yeah!

My cousin's youngest child calls the eggs they collect from their chickens, called 'cookies' at their house, 'yeggs.'  Today all three of the girls laid an yegg!!  We collected three yeggs today! Hoorah!!  One of them was brown.  We know that Matilda was the one laying eggs first...we have yet to determine if Florence or LouElla laid the second eggs...mmmhhhmmm!!??!!?? So, now I wonder which one is the brown egg layer?  Not that it matters! So, happy to have fresh eggs every day!

Making Historical Home Replicas

For history in the homeschool world, we have been gearing up for the next unit...we toured a museum in the capital and his father took him to the Confederate Relic Museum for the homeschool Friday session about a week ago. Last night we started building colonial village buildings...these will probably be more what we think they looked like or what we are able to build/construct them as!!  So, we started the popsicle buildings!!  Of course, I was more into than he this one was mine and it is to be a model for him to get creative with his own creations...but.... we still need to paint it, but you get the idea...i guess this would be more of a one room country cottage or frontiersman type home!!   more buildings to come!!

body parts...

took this picture yesterday in the capital city while at a festival with the child....just thought the randomness of the mannequins were oddly arranged...some poor kid could have nightmares looking at this...

planting propogation/terrarium updates

This morning while digging the pop biscuits out of the fridge to make breakfast...I came across the apple and pear seeds I had placed in the baggies about two months ago or so in the fridge door.  We collected the seeds from store bought apples and some from the apple collection trip in NC when we to the Cherokee museum.  The pears are from a friend's/relatives pear tree in her yard...we try to pick some from there a lot lately!!  These were the same pears I canned many of earlier this year and also dehydrated or preserved with the food preserver... I had to look up how to preserve the seeds to prepare them for fall planting...I read on the internet to place them in a cool, dark, moist place until ready to plant. You apparently cannot plant them or SHOULD not plant them unless they sprout some...I know they probably just planted them back when, but I did not live back know!! More reading revealed that you could place the seeds on a wet/moist paper towel an...

chicken memos

i think we have to provide two of the three chickens with a chicken chicky got the memo and forgot to tell the other two girls... one of the chickies is a consistent egg layer...there were two in one day, but i think now one might have been there from the day before and we just found it the next day...there is never an egg in the morning, but there is consistently being one after the same nest box...same spot, same size...the first was larger, the remainder are medium to small...pretty, perfect cream colored little eggs... we didn't receive the egg present on the perhaps, she took a day of rest on sunday...i can cope with is the christianity answer for shabbat!!  so we now have half a dozen the rest of the girls need to fall in line with their flock leader...whomever that is...i wish we knew which girl is the layer : / youngest child swears it is florence, the fatter chicky...he has recently sat her in the box and 's...

I Remember...

GOD bless America!!

Love this song...

I was blog-browsing and found this accidently...I love this song, so I had to google it and found this!!

Osmosis Eggsperiment

This was the osmosis learning experiment from about a week ago!! 1. Soak three eggs in vinegar...You really only need two, but I did an extra, because I know my kid...He was gonna wanna squeeze and squish the 'goo' out of one of those poor eggs. You soak the eggs for 24 hours and the vinegar basically  eats the shell off. The real scientific explanation to this the child received was about the chemical reaction occurring as the vinegar reacts with the shell causing it to dissolve and allow the formation of the air bubbles in the vinegar as the gas escapes from the shells, allowing them to thin and just the egg lining or egg membrane to remain. Acetic Acid + Calcium Carbonate = Carbon Dioxide release We also discussed the calcium of the shell being much like the calcium found in a bone of an animal, which is why they are white. His contrasting statement to this is when scientists found dinosaur bones, they were more a dingy whitish brown color than white. We discussed the whi...