chicken memos

i think we have to provide two of the three chickens with a chicken chicky got the memo and forgot to tell the other two girls...

one of the chickies is a consistent egg layer...there were two in one day, but i think now one might have been there from the day before and we just found it the next day...there is never an egg in the morning, but there is consistently being one after the same nest box...same spot, same size...the first was larger, the remainder are medium to small...pretty, perfect cream colored little eggs...

we didn't receive the egg present on the perhaps, she took a day of rest on sunday...i can cope with is the christianity answer for shabbat!!  so we now have half a dozen the rest of the girls need to fall in line with their flock leader...whomever that is...i wish we knew which girl is the layer : / youngest child swears it is florence, the fatter chicky...he has recently sat her in the box and 'squished' on her, telling her to 'lay'...he reported she only 'hollered' when he did this...
i wonder why she would react so...poor chicky is too traumatized to 'lay'!!


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